Industrial wastewater treatment: COD reduction

Industrial processes use water directly or as an auxiliary during the various steps of production processes. This water, at the end of the process, to be discharged into the environment, must respect the limits imposed by the Legislative Decree n. 152/2006, tables of annex 5 and therefore requires wastewater treatment plants.

Waste water is therefore treated in order to make it odorless or tasteless, clear and chemically stable (non-corrosive) starting from the identification of the pollutant.

Treatment of industrial wastewater through Captive Systems’s technology


impianti di trattamento delle acque refluetrattamento acque reflue industriali

The presence of organic pollutants is expressed by the value of COD (Chemical Oxygen Demand) whose limit values change according to the type of discharge. Captive Systems offers a range of products suitable for the abatement of organic pollutants of both linear and organic nature. The treatment can be customized according to the type of organic pollutant to be removed, thanks to the possibility of controlling the functional groups on the surface of the materials with different coatings.

Captive Systems technology is universally recognized as effective for the treatment of industrial wastewater, which can cause serious damage to health and environment.

The application of the technology offered by Captive Systems is not affected by changes in pollutant’s load into the wastewater. Both currents with initial COD values ​​of the order of hundreds of thousands and of the order of a thousand were successfully treated, reaching final COD values ​​below the legal limits. The presence of solids dispersed in the currents to be treated does not affect the application of the technology. Currents with a high TSS content have been successfully treated.

Captive Systems technology is therefore effective, innovative and easy to apply. Useful for the treatment of industrial and domestic wastewater, as well as having added values ​​such as being economical and with a low environmental impact.